Elos IPL can be used to treat some types of brown pigmented and vascular (red/pink) lesions. IPL uses combined bi-polar radiofrequency and light energy to precisely target freckling from the sun, and some redness caused by broken blood vessels. This treatment can be used on all most skin types. During your consultation we will assess your skin and determine if Elos IPL is right for you. Results can be seen after just one treatment, but we often recommend 2-3 treatments a month apart for optimal results. This treatment is a no-downtime treatment, and uses a chilled tip to provide cooling comfort to the skin.
elos Intense Pulse Light (IPL) targets unwanted elos Plus Photo Facial treatment will: • Diminish areas of discoloration caused by aging, sun damage, pigmentation • Treat broken blood vessels and capillaries • Leave your skin tone looking more even and refreshedYou will see a significant change in the skin’s appearance after your first treatment. Improvements steadily increase with each additional treatment a series 2-3 treatments is recommended to see optimal results.