Alta Dermatology – Orange County CA Skin Care Experts
Alta Dermatology, located conveniently in Laguna Niguel Medical Center, is committed to bringing state-of-the-art dermatological care to our Orange County patients in a comfortable, compassionate atmosphere. Alta Dermatology is Laguna Niguel’s premier skin care resource, providing both medical and cosmetic treatments in a highly professional, but warm and welcoming atmosphere. We strive to provide great customer service in addition to great medical care.
Our Philosophy
Alta Dermatology is committed to making patients the central focus of our practice. Our mission is to foster a safe, respectful environment where kindness matters. At Alta Dermatology, we strive not only to improve the health and beauty of your skin, but also treat our patients as a whole person. We take pride in providing excellent customer service in addition to superior medical and cosmetic skin care. We also strive to provide thorough and detailed skin checks, offer the most advanced lasers and injectable cosmetic procedures, and use the best surgical techniques. Connecting with, listening to, and understanding the patient and building a doctor-patient relationship is vitally important to Dr. Wang.
We believe finding the right dermatologist is important and that the doctor-patient relationship requires mutual trust and respect. The practice does not consider an individual seeking treatment to be a patient until a preliminary assessment is complete and that the patient will be notified when they are accepted. Simply making an appointment does not automatically create a physician-patient relationship. As a patient, it is your responsibility to follow our policies and procedures and to be considerate and cooperative.
Board-Certified Dermatologist
Patients at Alta Dermatology are cared for by a highly trained, board-certified dermatologist, and our friendly medical assistants.
Medical Dermatology
The health of our patients’ skin is our priority. We take pride in our thorough and complete skin exams and detailed skin cancer screenings. Whether a patient is suffering from a harmless but annoying case of eczema, or has discovered a potentially cancerous lesion, we take each case seriously and make it our mission to provide effective treatment. Learn about some of the common skin diseases and the treatment options available at Alta Dermatology.
Cosmetic Dermatology
At Alta Dermatology, we also recognize that cosmetic skin problems, such as wrinkling, sun damage, and acne scarring, can cause our patients as much concern as many medical conditions. Our cosmetic dermatology treatments are designed to safely and effectively reduce the effects of aging and skin damage to give our patients the youthful looking skin they desire. Learn about some of the cosmetic procedures we provide at Alta Dermatology.
If you would like to learn more about our practice, or schedule a consultation with one of our experienced physicians, please contact the office of Alta Dermatology.